Element names in Chinese - Elementymology & Elements Multidict

Elementymology & Elements Multidict


Numerical list   Alphabetical list

  1. 金杜
  2. 金喜
  3. 金波
  4. 金黑
  5. 金麥


Language family consisting of languages mutually intelligible to varying degrees.
Approx 1.3 billion speakers.

Clickable Periodic Table of the Elements

Additions to the element names:
² = alternative form
† = form no longer in use.

N.B. Because of the use of UTF8-encoding, accented letters (È, á, ô, etc.) are not alphabetized in the correct way.

Dylan W.H. Sung, The Periodic Table with Chinese Characters (Big5).

N.B. transcriptions are Mandarin / Cantonese.


1. 氫 2. 氦 3. 鋰 4. 鈹 5. 硼 6. 碳 7. 氮 8. 氧 9. 氟 10. 氖 11. 鈉 12. 錳 13. 鋁 14. 硅 15. 磷 16. 硫 17. 氯 18. 氬 19. 鉀 20. 鈣 21. 鈧 22. 鈦 23. 釩 24. 鉻 25. 鎂 26. 鐵 27. 鈷 28. 鎳 29. 銅 30. 鋅 31. 鎵 32. 鍺 33. 砷 34. 硒 35. 溴 36. 氪 37. 銣 38. 鍶 39. 釔 40. 鋯 41. 鈮 42. 鉬 43. 鍀 44. 釕 45. 銠 46. 鈀 47. 銀 48. 鎘 49. 銦 50. 錫 51. 銻 52. 碲 53. 碘 54. 氙 55. 銫 56. 鋇 57. 鑭 58. 鈰 59. 鐠 60. 釹 61. 鉅 62. 釤 63. 銪 64. 釓 65. 鋱 66. 鏑 67. 鈥 68. 鉺 69. 銩 70. 鐿 71. 鑥 72. 鉿 73. 鉭 74. 鎢 75. 錸 76. 鋨 77. 銥 78. 鉑 79. 金 80. 汞 81. 鉈 82. 鉛 83. 鉍 84. 釙 85. 砹 86. 氡 87. 鈁 88. 鐳 89. 錒 90. 釷 91. 鏷 92. 鈾 93. 鎿 94. 鈈 95. 鎇 96. 鋦 97. 錇 98. 鐦 99. 鎄 100. 鐨 101. 鍆 102. 鍩 103. 鐒 104. 鑪 105. 金杜 106. 金喜 107. 金波 108. 金黑 109. 金麥 110. 鐽 111. 錀