Elementymology & Elements Multidict |
Cuprum Copper
Koper – Kupfer – Cuivre – Cobre – 銅 – Медь – 銅
Multilingual dictionary
Cuprum Latin Germanic
Koper AfrikaansKobber Danish Kupfer German Copper English Kopar Faroese Koper Frisian (West) Kopar, ²Eir Icelandic Koffer Luxembourgish Koper Dutch Kobber (Bokmål), Kopar (Nynorsk) Norwegian Koppar Swedish Italic
Arambre AragoneseHalcumã Aromanian Cobre Asturian Coure Catalan Cobre Spanish Cuivre French Ram Friulian Cobre Galician Rame Italian Raam Lombard Coire Occitan Cobre Portuguese Cupru Romanian - Moldovan Slavic
Мед [Med] BulgarianBakar Bosnian Медзь [medz'] Belarusian Měď Czech Bakar Croatian Kòper Kashubian Бакар [Bakar] Macedonian Miedź Polish Медь [Med'] Russian Meď Slovak Baker Slovenian Бакар [Bakar] Serbian Мідь [mid'] Ukrainian Baltic
Varis LithuanianVarš Latvian Varis Samogitian Celtic
Kouevr BretonCopor Welsh Copar Gaelic (Irish) Copar Gaelic (Scottish) Cobbyr Gaelic (Manx) Cober Cornish Other Indo-European
Χαλκος [chalkos] GreekՊղինձ [pghindz] Armenian Bakër, ²Bakri Albanian Indo-Iranian/Iranian
Sifir KurdishÆрхуы [ærhuy] Ossetian Мис [Mis] Tajik Indo-Iranian/Indo-Aryan
কপার [kapāra] Bengaliمس [ms] Persian તાંબુ [tā'bu] Gujarati ताम्र [tāmra] Hindi Finno-Ugric
Vask EstonianKupari Finnish Réz Hungarian Ыргӧн [Yrgön] Komi Вӱргене [Vürgene] Mari Серае, Сере [serae, sere] Moksha Vask Võro Altaic
Mis AzerbaijaniПăхăр [Păhăr] Chuvash Мыс [mys] Kazakh Жез [Žez] Kyrgyz Зэс [zès] Mongolian Bakır Turkish مىس [mis] Uyghur Mis Uzbek Other (Europe)
Kobrea Basqueსპილენძი [spilenżi] Georgian Afro-Asiatic
نحاس [nuHās] Arabicנחושת [nahoshet] Hebrew Ram, ²Ramm Maltese Sino-Tibetan
Thùng Hakka銅 [dou] Japanese 구리 [guri] Korean ทองแดง [thongdaeng] Thai Đồng Vietnamese 銅 [tong2 / tung4] Chinese Malayo-Polynesian
Kobre CebuanoTembaga Indonesian Konukura Māori Tembaga Malay Other Asiatic
ചെമ്പ് [cemp] Malayalamசெப்பு [ceppu] Tamil Africa
Mbengi LingalaKoporo Sesotho Kupri, ²Nahasi Swahili North-America
Chīchīltic tepoztli NahuatlSouth-America
Anta QuechuaCreole
Kupru Sranan TongoArtificial
Kupro EsperantoNew names
Copre Atomic ElementsBranzes Dorseyville |
History & Etymology
The discovery of Copper goes back to prehistoric times. Estimates of the earliest use of Copper vary, but 5000 BC is not unreasonable. Gold was probably the first metal to attract man's attention because of its sparkling yellow color, and Iron in the form of meteorites may have been used before Copper in some localities. By about 3500 BC Copper was being obtained in the Middle East by charcoal reduction of its ores, and by 3000 BC the advantages of adding Tin in order to produce the harder bronze was appreciated in India, Mesopotamia and Greece. This established the "Bronze Age", and copper has continued to be one of man’s most important metals.
The earliest recorded use of copperware in India has been around 3000 BC the findings at Mohenjo-daro
and Harappa, bear this out. The earliest documented observation of smelting of metals in India is by Greek historians in the 4th century BC.
In his biography of the charismatic teacher and miracle worker Apollonius of Tyana (first century AD), the Greek biographer Lucius Flavius Philostratus of Lemnos (c. 170-c. 245) gives a detail account of Apollonius's journey to India. In the town of Taxila, the capital of the kingdom Hinduš (or Indus-country) he mentions a shrine, in which were hung pictures on Copper tablets representing the feats of Alexander and Porus. In his own words, "The various figures were portrayed in a mosaic of Orichalcum, Silver, Gold, and oxidised Copper, but the weapons in Iron. The metals were so ingeniously worked into one another that the pictures which they formed were comparable to the productions of the most famous Greek artists." In astrology alchemy the seven heavenly bodies known to the ancients were associated with seven metals also known in antiquity:
In ancient India Copper was also known as Tamara, Copper plate was called Tamara-Patra. Tamrakar meant a Copper smith and Tamara-pana meant a Copper coin. The long history of Copper is reflected in the many different words for this metal. See the list of names to the left and in the overview of Copper in over 100 languages (click here). We can identify at least seven different roots. The main European branches of the Indo-European language (except Slavic) use derivations from the Latin cuprum.
Derivations are used in almost all Italic languages (except Italian!), Celtic and Germanic languages, also Finnish. Used in most of the Slavic and Altaic languages. In Japanese, the character 銅 is pronounced as "dou". But another widely used pronunciation is "akagane" ("aka" = red, "kane" = money, metal, or gold).
A peculiar website from Lavian-American Andis Kaulins, Indo-European Afro-Asiatic Words for Metals - Copper Lead Tin Iron Bronze Gold Amber. I am not sure what to think of the value of his unorthodox information, but give it for what it is worth. Kaulins presents the following list for Copper:
Sumerian KAxUD.BAR (or) UDxKA.BAR (or) SI.BAR
And similar lists for Iron, Tin, and Lead. In examining all of these ancient terms for these metals,
Kaulins sees that all names have two basic roots as their origin:
Chemistianity 1873
COPPER, the Siamatic bond metal 'Tween integral parts of British Empire, And Britain with all important nations, Is a yellow tinged red colour'd metal, Named Cuprum, moderately hard, ductile, Very tenacious, and melts at white heat. Further reading