Elementymology & Elements Multidict |
Moscovium – Moscovium – Moscovium – Moscovio – モスコビウム – Московий –
Multilingual dictionary
Moscovium Latin Germanic
Moscovium AfrikaansMoscovium Danish Moscovium German Moscovium English Moscovium Faroese Moscovium Frisian (West) Moscovím Icelandic Moscovium Luxembourgish Moscovium Dutch Moscovium Norwegian Moscovium Swedish Italic
Moscovio AragoneseMoscoviu Asturian Moscovi Catalan Moscovio Spanish Moscovium French Moscovium Friulian Moscovio Galician Moscovio Italian Unünpénti Lombard Moscovi Occitan Moscovio Portuguese Moscoviu Romanian - Moldovan Slavic
Унунпентий [Ununpentij] BulgarianMoscovij[um] Bosnian Унунпентый [Ununpentyj] Belarusian Moscovium Czech Moskovij Croatian Унунпентиум [Ununpentium] Macedonian Moscovium Polish Московий [Moskovij] Russian Moscovium Slovak Moskovij Slovenian Унунпентијум [Ununpentijum] Serbian Унунпентій [Ununpentij] Ukrainian Baltic
Moskovijus LithuanianMoskovijs Latvian Celtic
Moskoviom BretonMoscoviwm Welsh Únúinpeintiam Gaelic (Irish) Oonoonpençum Gaelic (Manx) Other Indo-European
Ουνουπέντιο [] GreekMoskovium[i] Albanian Indo-Iranian/Iranian
Moscoviyûm KurdishУнунпентий [Ununpenti'] Tajik Indo-Iranian/Indo-Aryan
ইউনুনপেন্টিয়াম [iununapenṭiẏāma] Bengaliآنانپنتیوم [] Persian યુનુન્પેનટિયમનો [yununpenṭiyamano] Gujarati उनउनपैन्शियम [ununpainśiyama] Hindi Finno-Ugric
Moskovium EstonianMoscovium Finnish Moscovium Hungarian Унунпентий [Ununpentij] Komi Унунпентий [Ununpentij] Mari Moscovium Võro Altaic
Moscovium AzerbaijaniУнунпенти [Ununpenti] Chuvash Унунпенти [Ununpenti] Mongolian Moscoviyum Turkish Moscoviy Uzbek Other (Europe)
Moscovio BasqueAfro-Asiatic
ٲنون بينتيوم [] ArabicΟυνουπέντιο [--] Hebrew Moscovju Maltese Sino-Tibetan
モスコビウム [mosukobia] Japanese우눈펜튬 [] Korean อะนันเพนเชียม [ananphēnchiam] Thai Moscovi Vietnamese Malayo-Polynesian
Moscovyo CebuanoMoskovium Indonesian Moscovium Māori Moscovium Malay Other Asiatic
അണ്അണ്പെന്റിയം [aṇaṇpenṟiyam] MalayalamAfrica
Moscoviu? LingalaMoscoviamo Sesotho Moscovi Swahili North-America
Moscovio NahuatlSouth-America
Moscoviyu QuechuaCreole
Moscovimi Sranan TongoArtificial
Moscovio EsperantoNew names
History & Etymology
Scientists from the Glenn T. Seaborg Institute and the Chemical Biology and Nuclear Science Division at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in collaboration with researchers from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Russia (JINR), have discovered the two newest super heavy elements, element 113 and element 115. In experiments conducted at the JINR U400 cyclotron with the Dubna gas-filled separator between July 14 and Aug. 10, 2003, the team of scientists observed atomic decay patterns, or chains, that confirm the existence of element 115 and element 113. In these decay chains, element 113 is produced via the alpha decay of element 115. The results have been accepted for publication in the Feb. 1, 2004 issue of Physical Review C.
Oganessian Yu.Ts. et al.
The results of experiments designed to synthesize element 115 isotopes in the
243Am (48Ca, xn)291-x115 reaction are presented. With a beam dose of 4.3x1018 248-MeV 48Ca
projectiles, we observed three similar decay chains consisting of five consecutive α-decays, all detected in time intervals of about 20 s and terminated at a later time by a spontaneous fission with a high energy release (TKE~220 MeV). At a higher bombarding energy of 253 MeV, with an equal 48Ca beam dose, we registered a different decay chain of four consecutive α-decays detected in a time interval of about 0.5 s, also terminated by spontaneous fission. The α-decay energies and half-lives for nine new α-decaying nuclei were determined. The decay properties of these synthesized nuclei are consistent with consecutive α-decays originating from the parent isotopes of the new element 115, 288115 and 287115, produced in the 3n- and 4n-evaporation channels with cross sections of about 3 pb and 1 pb, respectively. The radioactive properties of the new odd-Z nuclei (105-115) are compared with the predictions of the macroscopic-microscopic theory. The experiments were carried out at the U400 cyclotron with the recoil separator DGFRS at FLNR, JINR.
The element has got the preliminary systematic IUPAC name Ununpentium. The name Moscovium (Mc) was disclosed in 2016 for public review.
Further reading